Like anything in life you have to work hard for what you want.
Yup, this is something we all already know, but guess what, we don’t all always follow through with this.
If your new here you may not know that my husband and I have been on a health journey for like a decade. We have tried everything under the sun. We have done the “quick” fixes and I am here to tell you THEY DO NOT WORK. It does not matter what magical beans or motivational slogan someone is telling you, they are selling you crap, no nice way around it, it is crap and it will only make you think that it is “liquid gold” or whatever the latest gimmick is these days.
Do you want to be healthy? You have to put in the work. You have to move your body every single day. You have to work to find the foods that fit into your lifestyle. You have to cut back on the junk or just say goodbye to it completely. You have to find healthy foods that end up being your new junk food – but are good for your body.
My entire life on this planet I have been thin, but I have not been healthy until this year. I always had issues, be them in my gut, on my skin, not eating enough, eating too much, eating nothing at all. These are things that make you unhealthy and weak and moody and just miserable to be around.
It wasn’t until I literally had a mental breakdown and started seeing a psychiatrist that I began to educate myself on how to improve my mental health and surprise, surprise, your mental health is directly related to what is happening in your gut. Your gut is directly related to what you consume daily. What you consume daily is what makes you healthy. It is your circle of life that keeps you healthy or continues to make you sick.
Bottom line, you want the quick fix, then you have to start with educating yourself and you will realize that the quick fix is just living your life but doing it in the way our bodies were meant to function, not with the crap that the marketing industry tries to sell us daily and not with supplements meant to improve our health. Only real food, real movement, and getting real with yourself will get you the “quick fix” you so desire.
A year ago, at the same time that MarriedtoSEO was created we also began intermittent fasting, let’s be honest, most of us already do this with skipping breakfast, but that is not real intermittent fasting, that is starvation. The shocker came 6 months ago when along with IF I began tracking everything I ate and calculating the healthy foods I was consuming. I was in utter shock with how much food I got to eat each day and how the inches just started to disappear. For the first time in years, I had abs that I could see and for the first time in my adult life the “lumpiness” in my thighs, something everyone told me was just normal, went away and I had smooth legs. For the little girl who always felt she had big legs this realization that I could completely change my body was mind-blowing and I was determined to work as hard as I could to get the body I have always wanted, strong and healthy!
We cut out all the things that are known to cause inflammation because my body had been in a constant state of inflammation and I had begun to have some pretty awful side effects that I did not want to have any longer. We began incorporating all the healthy fats, spices, and increased our water intake dramatically, and guess what? Most of my symptoms vanished within weeks.
We also began to really focus on making our home a green home, but thats a tale for another day, but trust me when I tell you it is not just what you are eating that can cause problems with your health. Changing to a more natural lifestyle is amazing!
A huge issue we began to notice from the decade of trying all the things was, we, as humans, are not meant to be sedentary folks but the life of being MarriedtoSEO comes with a lot of sitting around. Obviously, that is one thing we can’t change so we had to change all the things we could and we had to be intentional with moving our bodies every single day. We had to plan our meals and actually eat because another shocking discovery – not eating will actually harm you more than eating the occasional treat or two.
It isn’t always about what the scale reads or what size jeans you fit into, it is not about having a caloric deficiency daily, we have to stop glamorizing unhealthy eating habits and the unhealthy lifestyle that so many have. An occasional glass of wine is fine, having two-three in one sitting multiple times a week is not okay at all.
I could stand on my soapbox all day about how you need to get healthy and then everything in your life will change, but I know there will still be people out there who just like to complain and will never change and that, in my opinion, is extremely sad for them. They will never know their potential, and it may not just be when it comes to their healthy life, they may not fully amount to all that they could in life in general because of unhealthy habits.
A thousand words leave not the same deep impression as does a single deed
Henrik Ibsen
As someone who had a previous life in the arts, a picture is worth a thousand words in my opinion and so here are mine. You can make a lot of change in a decade with hard work, I am proof and I still have work to do.
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